A former film student, current movie buff, comic reader, and tabletop gamer, Tristan Tanner is a nerd. When he's not binging something or looking up trivia that will be useful someday he's sure, he's usually talking about movies. His personal film journey has been focused mostly on watching movies that don't start with the Marvel Studios logo, to broaden his horizons. Please don't ask him about Battleship Potemkin, he's still trying to get over it.

Ben Bland is a film enthusiast, movie trivia buff, and Marvel comics aficionado. Simply put, he's a nerd. On occasion, he will speak exclusively in movie quotes and references, to the dismay of those around him. IMDb is frequently open on at least one device because he can't sleep until he confirms who starred opposite Keanu Reeves in "Hardball." Ben's in his third year of watching movies on a dedicated list, known ominously as "The List." This year's focus is Best Picture nominees from the year 2000 to present. His favorite films include (but are not limited to) Pan's Labyrinth, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and MCU films not titled The Incredible Hulk. He wants to remind you that Baskin Robbins always finds out.